I dont know what it is about watching two birds try to kill one another but many Dominicans really get into this sport. The idea is two roosters are put in a ring together and they fight until one wins. A winner is determined when the other bird either dies or gives up.

This sport is very illegal in the United States but is a widely followed sport in the Dominican Republic. Most Dominicans have friends or family members who participate in rooster fights. Even those Dominicans who do not participate in the fights know the activity exists and do not pay any attention to it.

I have never been into watching animal fights but have to say rooster fighting kind of peaked my interest a few months ago. I was visiting some relatives down the street and a guy was holding a chicken that looked like it had been in a fight. After asking him about the bird he proudly told me his chicken was the winner in yesterday's fight.

I decided to learn a little more about chicken fights. It is pretty amazing because these birds really want to fight. When they have a chance, they peck each other and use their spurs to attack.

Now, I have yet to spend time in a chicken fighting club, but was able to catch the end of a round and have been lucky enough to meet a few guys who raise fighting chickens.

I understand they make pretty good money and if their birds win the off spring is worth a lot of money.
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One of my friends let me take some pictures of his birds as he got one ready for a fight day.

In all of these pictures the birds have on a kind of rubber glove so they are not able to injure the other bird.
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The speed these birds attack with is simply amazing.

One of the main lessons of bird fighting is the "Word of the Chicken Fighter." It is said that any deals or bets made in the chicken fighting ring are the most solid promises ever made. No one has ever made a bet or a promise inside the ring that has not been honored.

During the fights onlookers bet on which bird will win.
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When two birds no longer fight the winner must show it is willing to continue to fight by attacking a new fresh bird that is put in front of it. If it does not attack the fight is a draw.

I am considering whether or not I will go to a chicken fighting club and take more pictures. I do not know if I will post them here.